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 This holothurian, sea cucumber, was recovered in dredge 58 this morning. Holothurians, belong to the same family as sea stars and sea urchins, the Echinoderms, though do not have arms or spines like the others. All sea cucumbers have tentacles though, to help them sweep sand and food particles into their mouths. The mouth is facing the camera, though the tentacles are retracted so you can't see them. Holothurians are one of the most common animals in the deep sea, and one of the few animals that are found in the deepest trenchs. This particular sea cucumber is covered in sediment particles, so is possibly a burrowing species.

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This holothurian, sea cucumber, was recovered in dredge 58 this morning. Holothurians, belong to the same family as sea stars and sea urchins, the Echinoderms, though do not have arms or spines like the others. All sea cucumbers have tentacles though, to help them sweep sand and food particles into their mouths. The mouth is facing the camera, though the tentacles are retracted so you can't see them. Holothurians are one of the most common animals in the deep sea, and one of the few animals that are found in the deepest trenchs. This particular sea cucumber is covered in sediment particles, so is possibly a burrowing species.

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