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Cletus Finnel, an Ordinary Seaman (OS) on board R/V Melville is chipping rust off the deck using a needle gun. A needle gun is a pneumatic (air powered) tool that consists of a bunch of thick steel needles in a case. The needles vibrate very strongly so they chip away the surface layer of rust. Most people on the ship hate the needle guns because they make such a racket. People who have night watches have to learn to sleep through the loud noises which can't be avoided in the effort to keep the ship in good shape and free of rust.

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Cletus Finnel, an Ordinary Seaman (OS) on board RV Melville is chipping rust off the deck using a needle gun. A needle gun is a pneumatic (air powered) tool that consists of a bunch of thick steel needles in a case. The needles vibrate very strongly so they chip away the surface layer of rust. Most people on the ship hate the needle guns because they make such a racket. People who have night watches have to learn to sleep through the loud noises which can't be avoided in the effort to keep the ship in good shape and free of rust.

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